Special offer

Get a 10% cash finder's fee ! and a 10% discount

- Help us to find new customers for our unique handmade jewelry! -
This is how it works:


1. Follow and like.

2. Tag- connect with a friend.

3. Found a friend who wants to buy our musthave jewelry? 

4. Send us their details (full name and email), and your own paypal/bankaccount in a dm, and receive the special action code.

5. Forward the special action code to your friend.

6. Your friend enters the code into the box on the stammhardware.com website checkout page, and gets an automatic 10% discount.

7. After the sale is completed, you wil receive 10% of the purchase amount on your paypal/bankaccount.

Terms and Conditions for the 10% Finder's Fee Offer:


- A limit of 5 referrals/finder's fees (and dm's) per person per month is allowed.

- A confirmed purchase must occur within 14 days of the referral DM to qualify for    the 10% cash finder's fee.

-The sale must be completed and final to be eligable for the finder's fee.

- The first person to DM the referral for a potential sale will be eligible for the 10%     cash finder's fee.

- This offer is valid only in EU countries.

- This offer is applicable exclusively to the rings available on the stammhardware.com website.

- The 10% finder's fee is calculated on the total order amount.

- After the sale, the buyer's name and email address are verified against the DM referral list for a match. Payment is made only if a match is confirmed.

- The buyer's name and email address must be mentioned in the DM referral to be eligible for the 10% cash finder's fee.

- PayPal or bank account details must be included in the DM referral; without this information, Stamm Hardware cannot process payment.

- Payment will be issued within 7 to 21 days following the pertinent sale.

- the duration of this special offer is limited and can be ended by stammhardware at any time.